quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007

Read This if you're Dannish!

(Nos últimos dois dias recebi para cima de 30 visitas vindas de todos os cantos da Dinamarca à procura desta foto do pavilhão multiusos de Gondomar... Agora vou questioná-los sobre o porquê de tanto movimento e porquê esta foto específica!)

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Hello dear readers from Denmark... In the last two days I've received a lot of visits from your country! And it points to that picture... Since it's not from the same city or ISP I reckon you are NOT the same person! SOOO If you'll be kind enough to explain why I am getting so many visits from Denmark I would be eternaly grateful!!

In order to do this I ask you to comment this post, comment on that box on the right side of the page or send an email to runonemotion@hotmail.com
I humbly ask for you to give me this info because it has been really puzzling me why there have been so many and so sudden visits from Denmark!

Thanks a lot!

1 comentário:

Caetana disse...

não morasse eu lá ao lado e não me tinha rido tanto...gandes malucos, esses dinamarqueses...