domingo, 22 de junho de 2008

Eu sou neurótico

i am neurotic. é um site aberto às participações de toda a comunidade onde podem colocar as vossas neuroses à consideração de quem por lá passa.

Olhem aqui dois belos exemplos:

I can’t stand to touch cardboard. Any time that I do touch cardboard I feel like it has wicked a ton of moisture out of my body and I have to find some lotion right away and get something to drink to replace the moisture that was lost.

I have to pet my cat 22 times when I get home from work every day. It is like a ritual. He knows the routine. He will lay there and after the 22nd pet, he gets up and wants food.

Visitem o site iam neurotic. e coloquem lá as vossas próprias neuroses!

(The Presurfer)

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